Launching Most Economical Virtual Desktop Solution VD-100

1) Why VD-100 Is Unique??

It Purely Works on Oracle Virtual Box ( Which is Open source for everyone, doesn’t require Licencing Cost )

2) In Which aspects it is better than Cirtix, VM Ware etc etc ??

The above said Platforms are Bit expensive and Charges per User /Seat Only for Licensing.. But our Complete VDI Solution which Comes with VD-100 is Free.. Obviously Most economical

3) Does it Supports other VDI Platforms like Citrix, VM Ware, Hyper V etc etc ?

Yes, It does Support Maximum Platforms

///// Top Features of VD-100 /////

Top 5 Features of VD-100
Virtualisation environment will now be possible for even smaller setups

– There is no extra licensing cost for visualization

– Desktop Visualization is much more accessible and economical

– It works on RDP VDI Protocol

– It runs on Oracle VirtualBox

– It can be Useful in Offices and Places with multiple billing counters also like LFRs and hospitals.

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