RDP has launched India’s first ultra slim Laptop Named as “ThinBook”. This Gizmo is a Kind of Disruption in traditional laptops Segment with its impressive looks & Low Cost Nature. Thin Book will take consumers surprise with its price 9999/- and Large display 14.1.
Thin Book has revolutionary design with glossy fibre and elegant edges, Supports Windows 10 Equipped with Intel quad core processor 2GB RAM, 32GB Storage, can Extend the Storage upto 256 GB. Thin Book has Wide range of connectivity options like USB 3.0, MicroSD Slot, with Bluetooth 4.1 and In Built Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac.
Rapid Technology growth sparked to utilize laptops in Educational Systems to encourage the students to be technological whizzes. A Thin Book with internet connection encourage learning and keeps students abreast of news and also support overburdened works with limited teaching Resources by this students competent to manage things better than ever.
Thin Book has revolutionary design with glossy fibre and elegant edges, Supports Windows 10 Equipped with Intel quad core processor 2GB RAM, 32GB Storage, can Extend the Storage upto 256 GB. Thin Book has Wide range of connectivity options like USB 3.0, MicroSD Slot, with Bluetooth 4.1 and In Built Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac.
Rapid Technology growth sparked to utilize laptops in Educational Systems to encourage the students to be technological whizzes. A Thin Book with internet connection encourage learning and keeps students abreast of news and also support overburdened works with limited teaching Resources by this students competent to manage things better than ever.