here are some common

questions about ThinBook 1310.

Operating System

Windows10 64 bit Home & Windows 10 64 bit Pro & Linux

How to Install Drivers in Windows10?

Please Get a Copy of ThinBook Windows 10 Drivers from (Drivers CD Shipped Along with the Laptop (or) Download from www.rdp.in/downloads)

Once you get the Drivers, Just Double Click on 'Install.bat' and follow the Step by Step Process.

Can I Install Linux in ThinBook?

Yes. (click here to download the ThinBook supported Linux)

ThinBook Windows 10 OS has any Limitations against Desktop/Laptop Windows 10 OS?

Absolutely no limitation in ThinBook Windows 10 & Normal Desktop/Laptop Windows 10 Operating System.
Note: ThinBook Comes with Windows 10 Home Edition 

Can I Use ThinBook with Genuine Windows 10 Home in Commercial Establishments?

Yes, Microsoft Will not Object to use ThinBook Shipped with Genuine Windows 10 in your Office/Commercial Establishments.

Memory & Storage

Can I connect 2.5" HDD?

Yes, one can connect 2.5" HDD , The HDD thickness should be 5 mm or 7 mm. HDD should be connected on the D section of ThinBook (back panel)

 Refer this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pXVFIGuaTI

Yes, but it is not recommended.

16 GB / 32GB / 64GB / 128GB microSD Cards are Supported.

1333 MHz, Dual Channel Memory

It will read 250MB/sec and write 90MB/sec